As a family affair of talent with his very beautiful daughter Savannah as vocalist, and his son Karma cookin' on the drums, Brian Auger and the Oblivion Express is always at work. For those who don't know of Brian Auger, he is a Hammond B3 Organ legend who has played with too many major artists to even mention going back to the early days of Jimi Hendrix, Creme and his own self made career that has lasted decades. These days, the family travels around the world each year. In September they will performing at the Monterey Jazz Festival (website at MontereyJazzFestival.Org ) in Monterey, California and will perform many dates in Germany throughout the month of October. Enjoy this video below that was shot at the legendary jazz venue known as The Baked Potato. GC
Connect Direct With Brian Auger at his own website at BrianAuger.Com and/or MySpace.Com/BrianAuger
Brian's son Karma has a great outside project with his friends known as CAST! - The Coryell Auger Sample Trio. With the son of Larry Coryell and Son of Joe Sample and Karma, it's a trio that is cookin' and will surely be covered by MusicLoad.Com in the near future. Connect direct with Karma at his MySpace page at MySpace.Com/KarmaAuger